A very long overdue post! Work has been keeping me SO BUSY...I have not had time to update the blog. These are some pictures from the new Boutique that Jennifer opened at Lone Star Antique Mall. Wonderful clothes, jewelry, purses, scarves...and much, much more. It is well worth the trip. Special recognition to Ronnie (Jennifer's husband) for all the work he put into making this place incredible. I love the antique fixtures they used to really highlight the merchandise.
We decided to take a "Temporary" third booth at the mall a few months ago and started out with some of our red furniture in it. To our surprise, it quickly sold and has continued. We have kept red in the booth and have decided that maybe this should be a permanent venture. I have had the pictured red and white awning in my garage for months and finally took it into the mall. It was on lay-away within an hour....why did I not put it up earlier???? The shabby mantel sold last week also...Yahoo! We are going to bring in a red bedroom set and start decorating for Christmas. It should be great. On another note: I am the world's worst blogger! Went to Warrenton last weekend with my camera and did not take ONE picture. Left it in the car, or forgot I had it...UGH! It was so much fun and it was great to meet so many other bloggers. I will try in the future to be better about pictures!