I always find it a little presumptuous to post pictures from my house, but I just spent 3 days getting ready for our annual Christmas Party next weekend. Several years ago I started having a Christmas party at my house for the folks I worked with. It was about 20 people. The party has since grown and this year we are expecting 50 people. This may not sound like a big deal until you consider that it is a sit down dinner. My mother has always cooked for these events and will not consider hiring a caterer (to the delight of the party goers). I truly think they come more for her very Southern and full of butter cooking than the party. We have worked all weekend on decorating the house and creating themed tables to seat all of these guests. Since the party is next weekend, I don't want to give it way to anyone who is going to attend, so I will start with simple pictures of the entry way. The light up Santa will go on the front porch to welcome everyone. I tried to take a picture of the front of the house with the lights on, but it was toooooo dark. Posted it anyway. I will post pics of the rooms after to party. Wish us luck...it will be great to visit with friends over good food and laughter!
Spent Saturday cleaning out the garage... my shoulder and back can testify. Thanks to Tracy who came over and spent the day helping me re-arrange. It is a 3 car garage and I can finally get my car in there. Got some great stuff to put in the blue booth, so one last look before a blue booth re-do. Gonna take on a more rusty, chippy look. I also need to take some pictures of the lake house...it looks so good. We bought so much stuff intended for the mall and it ended up in the lake house. I guess some day when we are ready for a change, it will end up in the antique mall????
As promised...here is Felicia's Booth Re-Do at Bountiful. I did not intend to post this many pictures, but every angle just looked so pretty. It took her two days to complete as she stops to talk with every dealer and client who wants to tell her how beautiful her stuff is (or have lunch with them!). Just when I thought it looked perfect, I would walk by and she had moved everything again. She is quite the perfectionist...and it shows. I love the rusts and browns that she brought in this time. You can also see a branch from a Willow tree that she brought in to hang over the bed. She said it was beautiful until she hauled it in the back of her truck. Who would have thought about using her neighbors dead tree as decoration!!! I stopped by today and the large brown pillow is gone...I knew it would not last. Great Job Felicia, as usual.
As if the red booth was not already red enough...it now looks like Santa Clause threw up in it! Mom and I spent the day today putting all of our Christmas stuff out. The pink and blue booths got a little, but the red booth got A LOT! You start buying a color and until you get it all out, you don't realize how much you have. From the wonderful Christmas Aprons, to the hat tree, to the great retro red television...we are now geared up for Christmas! Felicia from Bountiful was working on her booth today (pictures coming soon) and we had a wonderful lunch together. While eating, Felicia spotted Linda and Ludmil from The Willow Nest. What a lovely couple (and great customers). They were on their way to Silver Bella in Omaha, Nebraska. They are dealers at this 3 hour show. Wow...can you imagine driving all that way and setting up for a 3 hour show? Well, I am glad they stopped by and bought stuff from our booths....Thanks! I hope everyone is getting in the Christmas spirit...we certainly are!
I LOVE these vintage Christmas cards! I won them on ebay (too many to post all). We are going to hang some old bed springs on the wall at the mall and clip these great old cards all over it. They remind me of my childhood and such an innocent time. I love rosy cheeked Santa's and these are terrific. It is hard to believe there is only seven weeks until Christmas...YIKES!
Hello All. No, I have not deserted our Ruby Grace's Blog...I have just been so busy and never seem to have my camera with me when I need it. My parents bought a lake house on Lake Texoma and we have been spending time there painting, repairing and getting it all ready. It is really looking good....we will post pictures later. Right by the lake house are some junk shops and we finally took the time to stop in and visit some. We went into one called The Junktion. Found a few small things, but it was mostly garage sale stuff. Then we stumbled into the storage shed in the back and hit the jackpot! She had old furniture just stacked on top of each other. It all had been sitting in someones barn and was covered in dirt and cob-webs. I spotted this pink dresser buried underneath several pieces of furniture. When we finally uncovered it, I fell in love. In addition to all the cob-webs and dirt, it had the greatest detail around the edges and wonderful ornate legs. I went to the owner and asked for the price, expecting the worst. When she timidly asked for $30....I played it cool and then quickly snatched it up. I debated on stripping it and painting it, but once I cleaned it off and did a little repair work, I knew it was perfect just the way it was. I still have dirt, bee's nests and other left overs from the clean up on my back porch. I did not think about taking before pictures until I had one side clean....but took a few then just to show you the condition. It is now at the Lone Star Antique Mall waiting for someone else to fall in love with it. I bought a couple of other pieces that are in my garage...I will take before pictures this time. The Junktion closed for the winter, but looking forward to more shopping trips in the spring.