Hello All. No, I have not deserted our Ruby Grace's Blog...I have just been so busy and never seem to have my camera with me when I need it. My parents bought a lake house on Lake Texoma and we have been spending time there painting, repairing and getting it all ready. It is really looking good....we will post pictures later. Right by the lake house are some junk shops and we finally took the time to stop in and visit some. We went into one called The Junktion. Found a few small things, but it was mostly garage sale stuff. Then we stumbled into the storage shed in the back and hit the jackpot! She had old furniture just stacked on top of each other. It all had been sitting in someones barn and was covered in dirt and cob-webs. I spotted this pink dresser buried underneath several pieces of furniture. When we finally uncovered it, I fell in love. In addition to all the cob-webs and dirt, it had the greatest detail around the edges and wonderful ornate legs. I went to the owner and asked for the price, expecting the worst. When she timidly asked for $30....I played it cool and then quickly snatched it up. I debated on stripping it and painting it, but once I cleaned it off and did a little repair work, I knew it was perfect just the way it was. I still have dirt, bee's nests and other left overs from the clean up on my back porch. I did not think about taking before pictures until I had one side clean....but took a few then just to show you the condition. It is now at the Lone Star Antique Mall waiting for someone else to fall in love with it. I bought a couple of other pieces that are in my garage...I will take before pictures this time. The Junktion closed for the winter, but looking forward to more shopping trips in the spring.