I awoke this morning to my home alarm beeping at me. When I made it to the alarm pad, I realized I could not read the inscription under the blinking light, so searched half asleep for my reading glasses. When I returned and wiped my eyes enough to see, it was the button marked, "Trouble". The alarm was not set, so I could not imagine where the trouble was. I walked through the house inspecting the doors and windows to see if something was broken, but nothing. When I finally tried to turn on a light and it would not come on and I looked at the clocks that were not working, I realized that the electricity was off. For the next 30 minutes, I walked around realizing all the things you cannot do without electricity. I walked to the computer...Nope! I decided to cook some toast....Nope! Television...Nope, Radio...Nope! Ugh...then came the thought that is 12 degrees outside...how will the heat in the house last? The pool pump is not running, will the pipes to the pool freeze. Don't open the refrigerator to save the cold! A lot can run through your mind in 30 minutes when you don't have anything to do. Finally I heard clicking as things started to come on and the electricity was restored. When I turned on the television, I heard that the power company was conducting rolling blackouts around Texas to preserve some energy. Thank goodness mine was only 30 minutes...I heard much worse. I thought about how gloomy my house was without light, so I took some pictures of a few lamps and lights around my house (when the roads are icy and you have been cooped up in the house for 2 days...you get bored!). You don't know how much you miss light until you don't have it. I love dishes, clocks, bird cages and lamps...weird, I know. So here are a couple of lamps I have around. Have a great week and if you are in the Dallas/Fort Worth area...stay warm and drive safely. I can't wait to get above freezing on Friday.