It is with a sad heart that I share some photos of a wonderful friend who died yesterday. Kathi Winstead was a dear friend who was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer back in 1999. She stayed incredibly positive and beat the odds. After the chemo and radiation, the cancer went into remission for 6 wonderful, fun filled years. When the cancer came back, despite the negative odds, she stayed positive and beat it once again. When she was forced to face it for the third time, the Doctors said she had only 6 months to a year to live. With radiation and aggressive chemo, Kathi blessed our lives for 3 more years. However all the treatments finally took their toll on Kathi's body and last week she went into the hospital very weak. After some tests, Doctors told the family that the cancer had spread and her body was shutting down. They were sending Kathi home with hospice care and knew that her days were numbered. Kathi went into a coma upon arrival. They assured us that she heard our words and we gathered around and spent the next few days reminiscing and assuring her that it was okay to let go. At 7:45pm last night, she bravely let go.
loved animals and even while undergoing treatment she went to Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina and worked for weeks at a time in areas that were dedicated to saving and finding homes for lost and scared animals. She was always traveling somewhere to be a part of an animal rescue. We were constantly getting emails about finding homes for some stray...and she worked tirelessly to find them all homes. I know God has put her in charge of Heaven's animal shelter and she is matching pets with angels right now.
It is hard for me to believe that I will not be greeted with a huge smiling, "Hey Puddin" and her hands on my cheeks as she gives me a kiss. I will miss sharing our love of 70's music and dancing to the Gap Band, "You Dropped a Bomb on Me Baby". Her laugh will live in my heart.
Thanks for indulging me with this post. I know that you guys don't know Kathi....but it is somehow therapeutic to write about her. Thank for listening....and God Bless.