Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Color as Promised...

Here is some color as promised. These are pictures from our Pink Booth. Probably not the time of year for all the spring and pink as everyone is in the mood for fall...but I can't help it. Maybe it is my last hurrah for Spring! The last time I posted pictures of the wood and glass cabinet holding all of Mom's perfume, I got some emails about the price....Sorry, but it is not for sell. Tinna from Dream in Cream brought it to the mall and before she could unload it, we snatched it up to use for a locking case in our booth. It is WONDERFUL! Mom, Teresa, Debbie, Kenny and I are leaving for Warrenton on Thursday morning and are so very excited. They say that Disney World is the happiest place on earth, but I think Warrenton is! Talk to you guys when we get back.


  1. Oooo La La your booth is LOVELY!!! I wish, I wish, I wish, I lived closer!! There are so many wonderful things I would buy :)

  2. Wow! I just love that pink awning...it just MAKES your space!
