Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spur of the Moment Booth Re-Do...

Do you ever just get the itch to decorate????  On the spur of the moment I headed to the garage to see what I could find to redo one of our booths.  As I picked around, I noticed a lot of I loaded up the SUV and headed to the mall!  We had this booth in shabby white accented with greens and quickly, I had most of the green out.  I brought in the white metal bed (which I love) and before you knew it, I had a HUGE mess!  5 hours later, it was finally where I was happy.  Every time I get that itch, I try to remember how I was feeling about hour 4 of the redo..."Why, of why did I start this project".  But it does not work and I once again head for the mall with a car load full.  Here are a few pics of 5 hours worth of work...can you say perfectionist!


  1. Denis, I bet you are one of the high sells dealers at Lonestar. There are so lucky to have you. I think costumers know when you really care and all that extra effort translate into better sales and talk about. I wish you were closer. I may get to meet you at the Hico show.Blessings, Marta.

  2. Looks perfect, I know how you feel, since I spent about 5 hours in my booth last week. But doesn't it feel good when you finish.
    Hugs, Pat

  3. I know I can say perfection.

  4. I read this and laugh.....we must be sharing a brain! Hope all is well with you my friend.

  5. LOVE IT! I came by your booth a couple of weeks ago, looked great then too! I love this antique mall
